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Page 45
Screen Size
The larger the screen the better. Don't worry, every bit of that real estate will be used to display important information.
Take a look at the sample screen layout shown in Figure 5.2. The figure is not to suggest the layout you should choose to construct. Instead, we want you to see that, by the time you put up market maker windows, time and sales, boardview, tickers, charts, trade blotter, open position manager, and order entry window, your screen is packed!
A single 19¢¢ color monitor is a minimum in our opinion, but you will not easily be able to display everything you want on a single screen. A 21¢¢ monitor will do a considerably better job, but if you are an active trader, you still will have to make compromises in your layout.
Recently, we have been trading with twin 19¢¢ displays which give them the room to put up almost everything we need to trade at our best! Remember that you will likely be doing other things on your computer during the dayInternet access, banking, e-mailswhich means you need even more space.
Figure 5.2
Sample Screen Layout
Copyright 2000, TradeCast® Ltd.

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